Please send links to streaming tracks (e.g. soundcloud/bandcamp etc.) to the following address
Please note we do not accept download links unless specifically requested by us.
Please don’t contact us if you want feedback or to know if we’ve listened to your demo. If we like your demo enough, we will contact you.
Due to the amount of demos we receive it is impossible to respond to them all. The most important thing for you while creating is to be original.
Mp3 – 320kbps
Wave – 16-bit
Wave – 24-bit
Please send us an email on: info@05×
No. Tracks in our player are at a lower bit rate to ensure proper playback and save space on servers. We sell our music in better quality.
Please send an email to info@05× with any issues you have.
Polish customers can reach our merch on or in physical stores across the west side of the country. International customers are welcome to buy our merch on www.05×
To monitor and improve the performance of our technology, we capture other data such as search criteria, results, downloads and purchases. We also gather information such as date, time, connection speed and IP address of all service users. We keep this information for our internal security audit log, aggregate trend analysis and system administration. We sometimes use third party service providers to help us track the activity and user flows within our service. These third parties may use temporary cookies and/or web beaconing technology to facilitate such tracking. Such tracking would track an individual user’s movements but the data would not be tracked in a personally identifiable way. Such data would be stored and analyzed on an aggregated basis solely for the purpose of internal analysis by 5:55 Records to improve the Service.